Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good Morning .. Be Like Water!!

Be Like water. When stones are there on the path of water, what does it do? Water rises above the stones and flows. Similarly obstacles are there in life. You rise above obstacles and move through it. Have patience and flow over them.

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

Monday, April 26, 2010

Good Morning .. Life is Best For those??

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages
Life is Best for those who want to Live it,
Life is Difficult for those who want to Analyze it,
Life is worst for those who want to Criticize it,
Our Attitude Defines Life...
Enjoy Your Life,
Laugh so Hard That even Sorrow Smiles at You,
Live Life so Well That even Death Loves to see you Alive,
Fight so Hard That even Fate accepts its Defeat...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Good Morning ..What you see!!

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.

My thought patterns, beliefs, interests, love and decision making skills differs from yours, hers, and his.

I see creative expression. You see garbage. I see catastrophe. You see political growth.

Remember, what you see may be entirely different than what your friend sees. The direct and personal reflection “as we are” is like a mirror, projecting and predicting. Understanding this might help us judge a little less, forgive a little easier and remember to listen more to those who aren’t, as you are.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Good Morning .. Be Greatful

Good Morning Email
It is impossible to bring more into your life. If you are feeling ungreatful about what you have, Why?
By being more grateful. The one who is always complaining gets a little away from the Grace. When we are grateful for whatever God has given us, then we never lack anything and the grace continues forever