Monday, September 26, 2011

Good Morning drop yourself image.

Avi: "How do you make everyone happy?"

Guruji : "Become me."
Avi: "How do we become you?"
What stands between you and me is yourself image. Yourself image restricts you from being me. Self image whether good or bad causes misery.
When you think good about yourself in a very subtle manner you think bad about others. Then anger, jealousy, hatred - everything follows.
When you think bad about yourself you feel low and again you start getting angry and you hate everyone else. If you think good about yourself you are in trouble and when you think bad about yourself you are in greater trouble.
So drop yourself image.



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good Morning .. What is daydreaming?

What is daydreaming? You have a desire but you do not have the faith that you can achieve your desire - that is what you call daydreaming.

You can control daydreaming by having a strong goal and believing in it.

Like the scientist who wanted to go to the moon and kept dreaming about it - for him it was the goal of his life but for others it was daydreaming.
Either you drop that it will not happen or you believe!

When you do not know yourself, your potentiality, you have no faith and confidence in your dream.

Once you have faith and confidence in your dream, it is no longer a daydream!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Balance & Discipline

People, who are free, regret that they don't have discipline. They keep promising that they will become disciplined. People who are disciplined look for the end. (Discipline is not an end in itself, it is a means).
Look at the people who have no discipline; they are miserable. Freedom without discipline is absolute misery. Discipline without freedom is suffocating. 
Orderliness is monotonous and chaos is stressful.

We have to make the discipline free and the freedom disciplined.
People who are in company all the time, they look for the comforts of solitude. People who are in solitude, feel so lonely and want to be in company.
People who are in a cold place want to be in a warm place. People who are in a warm place love something cool.

This is the dilemma of life: Everyone is looking for perfect balance. Perfect balance is like a razor's edge. It can only be found in the self. There is no road to this town and there are no steps to this house.
How do you get in? Figure it all out.
- Sri Sri

|| Jai Guru Dev ||