Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good Morning .. Laws of Karma

My Dear Friend ˆ) Very Good Morning!!  


When a Bird is alive it eats ants. 
When the Bird has died ...ants eat it. 

One tree can be made into millions of matchsticks...but only one matchstick is need to burn a million trees!

Circumstances can change at any time
Don't Devalue or Hurt anyone
in this life...

You may be powerful today 
but TIME is more powerful than You!!

Good Morning Email Message, Good morning wishes, Good Morning..Best Wishes

Good Morning ....You can only grow if ??

My Dear Friend ˆ) Very Good Morning!!  

Good Morning Email Messages

Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future.
You must break out of your current comfort zone and
become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Good Morning .. Winners !!

My Dear Friend ˆ) Very Good Morning!!  

Good Morning Email Messages

Opportunities are equal for all. 
But the difference is that Successful person gives Results & Unsuccessful person gives Reasons ..

Good Morning Email Messages

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Monday, June 11, 2012

Good Morning ... Make your Dreams come true!!

My Dear Friend ˆ) Very Good Morning!!  

Some people say, “WE CAN!” Others ask “CAN WE?” 
The same two words, 
but how we say them makes 
all the difference.

Inspiring Good Morning email Messages

Instead of oscillating like a pendulum from left to right & then into the grave, launch yourself like a rocket into the sky & make your Dreams come true.

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Very Good Morning!! “Move on”

My Dear Friend ˆ) Very Good Morning!! 

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages, good morning messages, good morning wishes, Good Morning Email Wishes

Remember the candle. When you turn it upside down, still the flame goes up. The flame always goes up. In life also so many instances will come, where your enthusiasm is put down, your spirit goes down. Remember, I’m a candle, I’ll come out of this. Nothing whatsoever can stop my spirit, my enthusiasm. Move on like that !!

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life