Monday, July 30, 2012

Good Morning ... Mantras for Success !!

My Dear Friend Very Good Morning ...  Mantras for Success !!

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

1. Skill
2. Energy, and
3. Dynamism

If you have skill, you have energy and you don’t do anything, then you can’t be successful. And you simply doing things without having skill, then also it doesn’t work. Also, if you have skill and dynamism, but don’t have the energy then also success will not come. For success to come what is needed are skill, energy, and then dynamism. You have to be dynamic. You have to work hard. All three things are needed!!
There are people who sit and plan and plan and plan. They spend all their life planning but don’t do anything. Around 15 to 20 years ago, a youth used to come to our satsangs in Bangalore. And he would buy every month about 25 magazines on How to be successful and How to make money. And he would go on reading them, and go on planning, and every time he would come and say, ‘I have this great magazine, I got this great idea, please bless me.’ I said, ‘Okay! Go do it.’ The next week he would come with another magazine and ask the same type of blessing. One year passed by; I also had patience and thought one day he would start something. But he never started anything. He would only keep buying magazines, keep asking me for advice, and keep making big plans, typing it all on the computer and that is it. We have 100 acres of land for agriculture at the Bangalore Ashram, and this other gentleman, he would sit on the computer and make all these plans of where he will sow which seed, and how he will cultivate. He was the Head of Department for Agriculture. All other people at the Ashram would say, ‘He does agriculture only on the computer.’ He would sit in the room and plan. Never went to the field to sow the seeds. Similarly, this man was buying all these magazines and reading. One day, I called him and said, ‘Look, no more blessings. I do not want my blessings to go waste. Blessings will work only when you make an effort. So, you keep all these magazines aside. Don’t read or buy anymore magazines. Take up one thing and work on it, and you will be successful.’ Why I said this is because sometimes people with great idea don’t bring it into the practical field. And there are others who do a lot of hard work without thinking and without planning. They also can’t be successful. So you have to do both.
Without blessings things don’t move, I know. Blessings are essential, but blessings alone will not work, because somebody has to do work as well. Yes! Work along with blessings, will make you successful. Even after you do your hard work and you find success, the real success is in your confidence. The real success is how confident you are, how much you keep smiling, and how boldly you can walk. That indicates your success.

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Friday, July 27, 2012

Good Morning ... Your Blame Game!!

My Dear Friend ˆ) Very Good Morning!!  
Inspiring Good Morning Email Message

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. Its not your parents your past relationships, you job the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that to blame.  
 You and Only You are responsible for your decision & choice you make period. 

Inspiring Good Morning Email Message


Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Very Good Morning .. Courage !!

My Dear Friend ˆ) Very Good Morning!!  

Inspiring Good Morning Email Message

The First step of Courage isn't taken in the midst of a battle; it is taken when you are willing to walk onto the battlefield and face the unknown.

Inspiring Good Morning Email Message

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Monday, July 9, 2012

Very Good Morning ....What is focus??

 My Dear Friend, Very Good Morning  ♥ 

                                               What is focus?

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages, Good Morning Images

               Follow One Course Until Successful.

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages, Good Morning Images

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Good Morning .. Love Relationship

Good Morning Email Message, Love relationship

Q: Guruji, The love of my life with whom I've been with for four years has told me that she is in love with someone else. She met him about five months ago. What should I do? I love her dearly and I don't want to lose her. She has asked me to wait for her while she makes up her mind. Should I wait or should I let go? 

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I can understand your problem in one way. But in another way, I have no experience on this. So I can’t advise you. All that I can say is take some time out and be silent. Think about your life, about how it was in the past. When that person was not there in your life, even then you were happy? If that person had kindled some spark in you, made you experience some love, just thank her. In the future without her also your life will continue. 
I tell you, you will only go up. If that person goes away, you will get a better person. This is for sure. Know that you are the centre, okay! Don’t put your soul into the other person, keep it in yourself. And if that person comes back, fine, otherwise, move on. 

This wisdom will help you not to have that love turn into hatred. Often people love somebody and that turns into such bitterness and hatred that it is unbelievable. So don’t let that happen.
If you love somebody, let go. If it is yours, it will come back to you. If it doesn’t come back, it never was yours. Know this and move on.
If it is yours, it will come back to you. If it doesn’t come back, it never was yours. Know this and move on.

Good Morning Email Message, Love relationship

Dare to Stand Alone .. You are Awesome .. World is Awaiting for you .. 

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life
 Avinash Sawant Tel : 9975415566   Email:
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Monday, July 2, 2012

Good Morning .. Who Wins??

My Dear Friend ˆ) Very Good Morning!!  

Who dares...wins.

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life
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