Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy FriendShip Day

Ask yourself what is it that you want from your real friend. You will find there is really nothing. You just want the friendship

At the End of Day, It doesn't matter who's stronger, smarter, prettier or richer.  The only thing matter is you are happy or Not ? 

A true Friend is one who can see your dreams and Goals and take it as his/her commitment to help you until you reach to your destination.

A Real Friend is one whose company uplifts us; an untrue friend is one whose company bring us down. 

When you go to a friend with a problem and if you walk away from them feeling lighter, then they are a good friend. 

Ask yourself what is it that you want from your real friend. You will find there is really nothing. You just want the friendship. 
Tell you friends, I am here for you I don't want anything from you other than friendship. That will make your friendship long-lasting. 

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