Friday, December 24, 2010

Fwd: Merry X-Mas

Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ •。★Christmas★ 。* 。*
° 。 ° ˚* _Π_____*。*˚★ 。* 。*。 • ˚ ˚ •。★
˚ ˛ •˛•*/______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛★ 。* 。*★ 。* 。*
˚ ˛ •˛• | 田田|門| ˚♥♥ And a Happy New Year - 2011

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Good Morning ... There is a way

If there is a way, I will find one...
If there is none, I will make one...

Good Mornning Email Messages

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hello it is for testing purpose

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Good Morning ... I learned

I've learned....
that love, not time, heals
all wounds.

I've learned....
that the easiest way for me to grow as a person
is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.
I've learned....
that everyone you meet deserves
to be greeted with a smile.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Good Morning .. Champions

"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, and a vision." ~ Muhammad Ali

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

Friday, November 19, 2010

What you are?

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

Everyday thousands of babies are born, ever heard of a Dr, or an engineer, or a
business tycoon or a leader being born? But we do hear that a Dr passed away, a great leader is no more...Every great person who ever walked on this planet was born just like any one of us- naked, delicate, dependent but by choice, training and hard work they became what they became.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good Morning .. Life is a Race

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

Life Is A Race

Winning horse doesn’t know why it runs in race,
It runs because of beats and pains.

Life is a race, God is your rider.
So if you are in pain think God wants you to win

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Good Morning ... Love and Light

You Are Wonderful
You are filled with Wonder
You are The Greatest Mystery
Today whatever You say will Manifest
and you will experience
The Wonder of You ..!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wish u all a very Happy Diwali

Diwali or Deepavali is popularly known as the festival of lights.

Dear all,

Wish u and your family a very happy diwali & prosperous new year. May God fulfill all your wishes in wealth, health & happiness in your life.

Best Wishes to all from Sawanta and Family :) :)

Diwali: Celebrating the Light of Wisdom

  At this time of the year people around the world are getting ready to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. One of the biggest festivals of the East, Diwali symbolizes the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance.

For an oil lamp to burn, the wick has to be partially immersed in the oil. If the wick is completely drowned in oil, it cannot bring light. Life is like the wick of the lamp, you have to be in the world and yet remain untouched by it. If you are drowned in the materialism of the world, you cannot bring joy and knowledge in your life. By being in the world, yet not drowning in the worldly aspect of it, we can be the light of joy and knowledge.

Diwali is the commemoration of the light of wisdom in our lives. Lamps are lit on this day not just to decorate homes, but also to communicate this profound truth of life. Light the lamp of wisdom and love in every heart and bring a radiant smile on every face.

Diwali is also called Deepavali, which literally means rows of lights. Life has many facets and stages to it and it is important that you throw light on each of them, for life to be fully expressed. The rows of lights remind you that every aspect of life needs your attention and the light of knowledge.

Every human being has some good qualities. And every lamp that you light is symbolic of this. Some people have forbearance, some have love, strength, generosity, while others have the ability to unite people. The latent values in you are like a lamp. Don't be satisfied with lighting just one lamp; light a thousand! You need to light many lights to dispel the darkness of ignorance. By lighting the lamp of wisdom in yourself and acquiring knowledge, you awaken all facets of your being. When they are lit and awakened, it is Diwali.

Another profound symbolism is in the firecrackers that are burnt on this day. In life, you often become like a firecracker, waiting to explode with your pent-up emotions, frustration and anger. When you keep suppressing your emotions, cravings and aversions, they are bound to reach a bursting point. Bursting crackers is a psychological exercise created by the ancient people to release bottled-up emotions. When you see an explosion outside, you feel similar sensations within you as well. Along with the explosion, there is so much light. When you let go of these emotions, serenity dawns.

There is also symbolism in the exchange of gifts and the distribution of sweets during Diwali. Sweets and gift exchanges symbolize the dispelling of the bitterness of the past, and renewal of friendship for the times to come.

Any celebration is incomplete without the spirit of service. Whatever we have received from the Divine, we should share it with others because it is in giving that we receive -- that is true celebration. Happiness and wisdom have to spread and it can happen when people come together in knowledge.

Diwali means to be in the present, so drop the regrets of the past and the worries of the future and live in the moment. It is a time to forget the bickering and negativities that have happened through the year. It is a time when you throw light on the wisdom you have gained and welcome a new beginning. When true wisdom dawns, it gives rise to celebration.

Celebration is the nature of the spirit. The ancient sages brought sacredness in every celebration, so that you don't lose the focus in the hustle-bustle of the activity. Observing rituals and religious practices (called Puja) is simply showing one's gratitude to the Divine. This brings depth to the celebration. The tradition is to put all the wealth you have earned in front of you and feel the abundance. When you feel lack, the lack grows but when you put your attention on abundance, then the abundance grows. In the Arthashastra, Chanakya says, "Dharmasya Moolam Arthah," which means, "prosperity is the root of righteousness."

For the one who does not have spiritual knowledge, Diwali comes only once a year, but for the wise, Diwali is every moment and every day. Wisdom is needed everywhere. Even if one member of the family is shrouded in darkness, we cannot be happy. We need to ignite the light of wisdom in every member of your family, extend it to every member of society and every person on the planet. When true wisdom dawns, it gives rise to celebration.

The Yajurveda says, "Tanme Manaha Shivasankalpam astu" -- let noble intentions flow from this mind of ours. This Diwali, celebrate with knowledge and take an intention to serve humanity. Light the lamp of love in your heart; the lamp of abundance in your home; the lamp of compassion to serve others; the lamp of Knowledge to dispel the darkness of ignorance; and the lamp of gratitude for the abundance that the Divine has bestowed on us. 
|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Friday, October 29, 2010

Good Morning... Be Wealthy

Inspiring Good Morning Email messages

The definition of Wealth is " The number of days you can survive, without physically working (or anyone else in your household physically working) and still maintain your standard of living.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The way to be creative and being different

The way to be creative and different is by being 'yourself'...really be yourself.

Monday, August 16, 2010

When nothing is of help

When nothing is of help, Prayer helps!
A genuine “help me God!”...Any challenge is a chance to reaffirm our commitment....

Friday, August 13, 2010

more happiness and joy

Q: How can I get more happiness and joy from everywhere?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
This race of more and more is killing us. More and more and more – How can I get more? Relax my dear. We don’t even have enough time to enjoy what we have. We should think how can I be more useful to the society, how can I serve more? One who is always thinking of getting something is like a beggar. Everything comes to the one who thinks how she/he can contribute more to the society. There won’t be any lack for such a person

NOTE: Do YOU have any questions? Now you can get your Spiritual Quest quenched from where ever you are by sending the queries to

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good Morning .. R u weak ??

Do not think that you are weak.
Stand up and reach all that you wanted to.
You can do anything and everything.

Believe in yourself. All power is within you.
You’ve it all that is required to change the world around you.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Power of Now, Present Movement

Have you noticed what keeps happening in the mind at every moment of time?
The mind keeps wondering what is going to happen next. Knowledge is being aware of this phenomenon of the mind; of what is happening right now in the mind. All other information and education can be acquired by reading books. You can open a book on any subject, be it birth, death or dietary habits; there are volumes of books available on countless topics. But awareness of our own mind cannot be learnt by reading a book.

What does our mind do? It vacillates between the past and the future. Every moment,
it is either angry about the past or anxious about the future. There is another tendency of the mind – clinging to the negative. If ten positive instances or events are followed by one negative event, we cling to that one negative thing. We simply forget all the ten positives.

To bring about a change in these two tendencies of the mind is the greatest help you
can render to yourself. Becoming aware of these two tendencies in the mind will make you very natural, very simple. These are very precious values and will enable you to blossom from within. We are actually born with this innocence in us; but as we become more and more mature and intelligent, we tend to lose this innocence and end up becoming stiff. Drop the stiffness, and then see how much more rewarding, more enjoyable, more interesting life becomes. This is knowledge. And this is also worship. As child, you had no problems; you fought one day and made up the next day. But as you grow, you get tangled, entangled. You get into a mess, the whole society gets into
a mess. Then you need the comb of knowledge. When you have an effective comb, it helps keeps your hair tangle-free and orderly. The same thing happens in the society.

Without knowledge and wisdom, we get entangled with each other; our minds are
filed with hatred, aversions and cravings. Look into anybody’s mind; there is feverishness about somebody, a craving for the future or an aversion for the past. With the comb of wisdom and knowledge, we can promote order in the society.

We have to study our own mind, our own Self. We spent so much time in learning all

things for life but very little about our life itself. The first thing we did when we came to the world was to take a deep breath in and the last thing we will be doing in the world is breathing out. In between the first inhalation and the last exhalation is what we call life. We have never attended to our breath. Breath is the connection between the body and mind and through it you can really bring the mind to the present moment.

Service or seva is another tool to attend to the mind. When you make service the sole
purpose of your life, it eliminates fear, brings focus in your mind, purposefulness in action and everlasting joy.

If everybody in the society lives in the present moment and if we are able to accept
people as they are, there will be no problems, no strife. We have to have wisdom and knowledge; we have to have awareness. It is very essential.

Past is Experience! Present is Experiment! Future is Expectation!
Use your Experience in ur Experiment to achieve ur Expectations! 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Happiness... Where?

There is a story of Mullah Nasurudin. His wife was pregnant and the time of delivery had come. But the baby was not coming out. When doctor told this to Mullah Nasurudin, he ran to the market, bought a toy, and kept that toy in front of her wife. He said, “After all this is my child, so he will surely come out with greed”. Whole our life we keep on running behind things with the hope of getting something. We keep on looking for some kind of profit. How would such person experience happiness? Neither does a greedy person get happiness nor does a person who is bombarded with too many desires. The one who relaxes in his consciousness is happy. One, who is centered, experiences the true happiness. I am not saying there is no happiness in the outer world, but the happiness you get when you go within is incomparable.

-- Sri Sri Ravishankar

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Science of Spirituality

Science and spirituality are two sides of the same coin. Science is the question —how, what, why? Spirituality, on the other had, is wonder — just wow! Deepening the mystery of creation is science and deepening the mystery of the Self is spirituality. Every scientific discovery leads to the realm of spirituality. If neither science nor spirituality can create wonder and devotion in you, then you are in deep slumber.


In this part of the world, there has never been a conflict between science and spirituality. Unlike in the West, not even a single scientist was prosecuted. In the Occidental way of thinking, belief comes first, and then experience follows. The Oriental philosophy and science have the same parameter. They both say experience first, and then believe. You have the knowledge first, and then the faith follows. For example, the knowledge that

pesticides and chemical fertilisers are good for plants came through science and people developed faith in it and all over the world, people started using them. Then the knowledge that they are not healthy came, and the faith shifted to organic farming. Knowledge brings faith and when knowledge changes, faith also shifts. Science and spirituality are like two ways of looking at the creation. Science regards life as matter and spirituality regards even matter as life. Spirituality elevates matter to the level of life, level of divinity and adds a sense of honour. While science brings us material and physical comfort, spirituality gives comfort to our souls. Science cultivates logic and spirituality develops intuition, another faculty of enquiry. Ancient rishis (sages) recognised this interplay between science and spirituality and said true fulfilment in life can come only through gyana (spirituality) and vigyana (science).

There is a saying in the Upanishads that reads "padarth, gyanaat, moksha". It means that if one understands even one particle in the creation thoroughly, he or she will be liberated. One doesn't even need to believe in God's existence. Ancient rishis knew that the entire creation is reflected in each particle as consciousness. Today scientists are saying the same thing. The DNA of all the creatures can be created from one human DNA chain. It's further said that whatever is there in the universe is present in the body of human existence.


The entire creation is one organism - there is life in every particle of this universe. Divinity, one consciousness, permeates the entire creation. God is present in every single atom of this planet and universe. This establishes that science and spirituality are two ways of looking at the same truth — the objective and the subjective. Through spirituality, India knew from ages that the Earth and other planets are moving round the Sun. Ages before Galileo discovered that the earth is round, India had the concept of the Earth being spherical. Here, the earth was always considered spherical. Likewise, even 15,000 years ago, people knew that Jupiter has got 12 moons. From the times of Vedic age itself, people understood the arrangement of the sun and the planets in the solar system. So India was never

ignorant about science; instead it was very advanced from ancient time.

Science is the systematic understanding of what this is. Spirituality is systematic

understanding of who am I. We are all made up of spirit and matter. The body is made up of amino acids, proteins, minerals, etc. The spirit is made up of beauty, love, joy,

enthusiasm and comfort, all that values that enhance life.

These values come only through spirit and as we live the values of the spirit, life

attains its richest form. Without them, life becomes very shallow and we are dependent

and unhappy. The spiritual dimension of life in the truest form promotes scientific

temper. It smashes the narrow boundaries of caste, creed, religion and nationality and

gives one a broader awareness of life present everywhere.

When the mind relaxes, the intellect becomes sharp. When the mind is loaded with

small things such as ambition, feverishness and desire, then the intellect loses its keenness.

And when intellect and observation are not sharp, life does not express itself

fully. Ideas don't flow properly and abilities diminish day by day. The possibilities of

scientific enquiry get clouded.

To nurture the spirit of scientific enquiry, it is very important for us to probe into the

source of thought. Often we are called great thinkers, but what is a thought? Where

does it originate? Is there any way that we can improve the thought process? What

are the mechanics to make people creative?

Thought is nothing but an impulse of energy and intelligence. For that impulse of

energy and intelligence to arise and a correct thought to come, you need 16 impulses

to meet at a point in the cerebral cortex at the speed of 10 to the power of minus 30

cycles per second. In that short interval of time, all the 16 impulses in the cerebral

cortex, when they meet, is what we call a correct thought. What do we do about it?

We need to train our brain, our mind. And that's the purpose of spiritual practices.

Spiritual life enhances imagination, which is the basis of many scientific discoveries.

When an imagination comes up, the person will not think whether it is real or not.

What appears to be unreal and a pure imagination can bring creativity. Thomas Edison,

once upon a time, dreamt of how to create light. It was purely an imagination. Many

inventions happened through certain imagination and through linking that imagination

to the ground reality. If you are thinking only of the ground reality, then no creativity

will come. And also if you based yourself purely on imagination, then there is no creativity.

A balance between your intellect and your heart is needed. Listening to your

heart is spirituality and developing that sharp and intuitive intellect is science.

People may say that spiritualism begins where science ends, but I do not agree with

that. Science and spirituality are not separate, they go together. And there can be no

dispute about it after the theory of relativity which proved the interconnection between

matter and energy.

Life is like a tree, its branches and leaves are science and the roots are spirituality. A

scientific spirituality and a spiritual scientist is the need of the day.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Good Morning .. Mind Knowledge Sharing!!

Q: I was wondering what exactly the mind is. Is it a little space in our brain or is it universal? And yes, I want to tell you that you rock.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Mind is energy which is all over the body. See, every cell in your body is emitting some energy and the totality of all that energy around you is what you call the mind. Mind is not present at some point in the brain, but mind is all over the body. There is so much deep knowledge about consciousness; we should sometime go much deeper into it. We will understand more. The more you understand, the more wonder-struck you are. Wow!

You know, people have phantom hand, that means they really don’t have a hand, but they feel they have a hand and they feel sensations like itching or paining in that hand. People who have lost their hand or leg in a war or accident, later sometimes, they feel they have a phantom hand or a leg. Though, they don’t have it physically. That explains or gives a clue that the mind is not just in one spot, it is all around the body. The aura of body is mind. We think that mind is inside the body, it is the other way around - Body is inside the mind. Body is like the wick of the candle and mind is like the glow all around.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy FriendShip Day

Ask yourself what is it that you want from your real friend. You will find there is really nothing. You just want the friendship

At the End of Day, It doesn't matter who's stronger, smarter, prettier or richer.  The only thing matter is you are happy or Not ? 

A true Friend is one who can see your dreams and Goals and take it as his/her commitment to help you until you reach to your destination.

A Real Friend is one whose company uplifts us; an untrue friend is one whose company bring us down. 

When you go to a friend with a problem and if you walk away from them feeling lighter, then they are a good friend. 

Ask yourself what is it that you want from your real friend. You will find there is really nothing. You just want the friendship. 
Tell you friends, I am here for you I don't want anything from you other than friendship. That will make your friendship long-lasting. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Good Morning,


It is a test blog written from Microsoft 2007

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Morning ... To be Successful

"To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work." ~ Sister Mary Lauretta

"It's never too late to become what you might have been."~George Eliot

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good Morning.. Money Money Money $$$ Want more??

Never link money with happiness. Even the poorest people are happy, if you see. In fact they are more happy. But money can create a false notion of security to you: You think if you have money, you have everything. 
The idea of money is for comfort. Isn’t it? Why do you want money? For comfort. But money can give you only one type of comfort. Physical comfort. It doesn’t give emotional and spiritual comfort.

The Required money is already with you and Whatever money you need you will get it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Feel Blessed

Break through all the barriers and feel that you Are Blessed. This Is The One And Only Step You Have To take - the rest will all happen.
This deep sense of feeling that "I am blessed" can help you overcome any obstacles in life. It gives you courage and confidence and it will open your lid for grace to be poured in.

Once you realize that you are blessed, then:

All the complaints disappear
All the grumbling disappears
All the insecurities disappear
A sense of feeling unloved disappears
Wanting love disappears.

If you don't realize you are blessed, then the doership begins. If you want to make a difference in your life, feel you are blessed. And especially for those on this path of knowledge, there is no reason for you to not feel blessed.

So, feel you are blessed.  This is the first step towards the Self.

- Sri Sri  || Jai Guru Dev ||

Monday, June 14, 2010

Good Morning...When Life Pushes u Down !!

When life pushes you down, push back!

That’s what you’re here for.
You’re capable, you’re creative, you’re full of life and energy.
You have what it takes to move yourself forward around any obstacle.
Don’t let anything stop you.

A year from now, when you look back at today,
you’ll see that the problem you’re so concerned with right now,
was another valuable lesson waiting to be learned.  

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good Morning .... What are u dreaming about !!!

“Some people have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.” Willis R. Whitney, American Chemist

“For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” -
Mary Kay Ash, Entrepreneur

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Buddha, The Manifestation of Silence

When Buddha got enlightened on that full moon day in the month of May, he kept silent. For a whole week he did not say a word. The mythology says that all the angels in the heaven got frightened and said, “Once in a millennium someone blossoms so fully like Buddha. The angels approached Buddha and asked him to say something. He said,“ One who has not tasted the ambrosia of existence, of life, there is no point in talking to them about it. So I am silent.
How can you convey something so intimate, something so personal? Words cannot. Many scriptures in the past have declared, “Words end where truth begins”.
Silence is the source of life and cure for diseases. Space and silence are synonymous.sBuddha was the manifestation of silence. His silence came from the saturation, not from the lack. Lack creates complaints and noise, saturation brings silence. Look at the noise in your mind, What is it all about? More money, more fame, more recognition, fulfillment, relationships? The noise is about something. Silence is about nothing. Silence is the basis; noise is the surface, the outer. Noise indicates lack, need want. Buddha’s l;ife was not lack, need or want. From the every beginning of his life he lived a very saturated, wealthy life. Any pleasure he wanted would be at his feet the moment he wanted it. Gautama, Siddhartha lived such a life, and you would wonder how a person of such pleasure and luxury could talk about sorrow.
One has to experience sadness, sorrow, misery in the world in order to speak about it. Buddha said the first principle, the first truth he discovered was – there is sorrow. Because he was so saturated in the sensual pleasures from outside, there was nothing for him, because everything was already there. You don’t go on desiring for something which is already there. He was silent from the very beginning because there was saturation.
Just a glimpse of misery was good enough for Buddha to start a journey of inquiry. Buddha set out in a quest of truth, all by himself, leaving the palace, his wife and son. The stronger the silence, the more powerful will be the questions that arise from such a silence. Nothing could stop him, so he escaped. For many years he searched.
In life there are only two possibilities to learn. One is to observe the world around us and to know from others suffering and others futile exercises that this is a waste, or in your own experience you go through it and then you’ll find it is misery. There is no third possibility.
The more sensitive you are, you won’t need to go through all the misery by yourself. You can look at those who are going through it and become wise. If that is not possible, never mind, you’ll go through it. You will come out of it and become more wise. Life is immortal. There is misery, you cannot deny that, and there is a cause for misery, this is the second truth.
The third truth he says, “ It is possible to eliminate misery”. If misery was your nature, you could not eliminate it, but this is not the case. “There is the possibility to be out of the misery”. The path he described was eightfold. The path of right practice, right meditation, the right equanimity, the right vision, the right type of samadhi, the right kind of silence. Not the silence of mourning, not the silence of anger or hatred, but the right type of silence.
Right mindfulness can root out misery in our lives. This can break patterns that we live with. Silence breaks the pattern. It is built in our nature , in our system. Otherwise you feel happy or miserable, you link that feeling to something outside yourself. Then the wheel starts rolling, the reaction, the chain of reaction starts happening. You hold something else responsible for your misery or your happiness, someone else is responsible. Buddha said,” No, “ just observe the sensations.”
What is true nature? It is peace, compassion, it is love, friendliness, it is joy. Silence gives birthto all this. Silence swallows the sadness, guilt, misery and gives birth to joy compassion and love. That is exactly what the life of Buddha was. He took away misery, the guilt, the fear, the arrogance, the ignorance and brought back wisdom, strength, beauty, knowledge and peace.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Morning .. Pure love

Pure love has no conditions or boundaries. Love does not restrain itself or hold back. Love gives all the time and doesn't ask for anything in return. Love is a continuous flow without any limits. And all of this is inside you.
May the joy be with you,
Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

Good Morning .. live each day to the fullest

People lose their health to make money;
then lose their money to restore their health.
By thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget their present such that
they live neither for the present nor the future.

They live as if they will never die,
and they die as if they have never lived.

Take each day as it comes, and live each day to the fullest.
Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Morning... what they are thinking about you!!

"You build a world in your mind only through your intentions, your own thought processes. You go on building a castle: what the other person is thinking about you---they may not even think about you anything. You may simply not exist in other person's consciousness, for they are worried about themselves. But you build a big castle about what they are thinking about you in your mind. "

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good Morning ... Dreams & Reality

Good Morning Email Messages
Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality.

Good Morning ... The more you Beg

"The more you beg, the more you crave for something, the further away it goes. And the moment you drop it and just repose in the Self, you'll find all those things come, manifold. "

-Sri Sri Ravishankar

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

“The door of opportunity won’t open unless you do some pushing”
- Anon.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Good Morning .. Life begins each morning !!

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages
Whether one is twenty, forty, sixty, or eighty;
Whether one has succeeded, failed or just muddled along –
Life begins each morning !

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

The greatest fact in life is that it is never too late to start again.
Biography simply overflows with inspiring examples of this truth.
However discouraging your days may have been,
Keep this thought burning brightly in your mind :
Life begins each morning !

~ L.M. Hodges

Monday, May 3, 2010

Good Morning .. Why to spend whole life in??

"You can spend the whole life worrying, grumbling, brooding over things and being miserable, or the same energy could be used to uplift you to unimaginable heights. "

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good Morning .. Be Like Water!!

Be Like water. When stones are there on the path of water, what does it do? Water rises above the stones and flows. Similarly obstacles are there in life. You rise above obstacles and move through it. Have patience and flow over them.

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages

Monday, April 26, 2010

Good Morning .. Life is Best For those??

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages
Life is Best for those who want to Live it,
Life is Difficult for those who want to Analyze it,
Life is worst for those who want to Criticize it,
Our Attitude Defines Life...
Enjoy Your Life,
Laugh so Hard That even Sorrow Smiles at You,
Live Life so Well That even Death Loves to see you Alive,
Fight so Hard That even Fate accepts its Defeat...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Good Morning ..What you see!!

Inspiring Good Morning Email Messages
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.

My thought patterns, beliefs, interests, love and decision making skills differs from yours, hers, and his.

I see creative expression. You see garbage. I see catastrophe. You see political growth.

Remember, what you see may be entirely different than what your friend sees. The direct and personal reflection “as we are” is like a mirror, projecting and predicting. Understanding this might help us judge a little less, forgive a little easier and remember to listen more to those who aren’t, as you are.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Good Morning .. Be Greatful

Good Morning Email
It is impossible to bring more into your life. If you are feeling ungreatful about what you have, Why?
By being more grateful. The one who is always complaining gets a little away from the Grace. When we are grateful for whatever God has given us, then we never lack anything and the grace continues forever

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good Morning .. Want to be Happy

Good Morning Email
"If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your
energy, and inspires your hopes."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Good Morning .. Where is Problem !!

Good Morning Email
You know, if the room is dark for 20 years, it doesn’t take another 20 years to bring light in. it just needs one connection, one switch on and the whole darkness goes away. Your life may have been miserable in the past, but wake up and see, so what? Problems come and go in everybody’s life. Look at your past, problems came and they have all vanished. Right? We forcefully make the problem stay, just wake up and see where is the problem? The problem is not there.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good Morning .. Means..!!

"When I say Good Morning I mean to say:
G-od O-ffers us His O-utstanding D-evotion to
M-ake us O-bedient & R-eady for a N-ew day with Him.
I-nspire others , & N-ever forget
G-od loves you !!!!"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good Morning .. Why to Take Risks!!

Good Morning Email
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Good Morning .. Have a Lovely Day !!!

Good Morning Email

Shadow of yesterday
Have faded away,
Sun has reappeared
It's a brand new day

Birds singing their song
Loud and clear,
Announcing to the world
A new day is here,

Sun appears in the east
Has begun a new quest,
In the middle at noon
And then sets in the west,

Wishing you contentment
And peace along the way...

Have a Lovely Day !!