Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good Morning ...........Experiencing Failure

To Best Friend (ˆ◡ˆ) Very Good Morning, 

Q: Guruji, I keep experiencing failure in whatever I do. How do I overcome this?

Guruji: Every failure is a step towards success, keep that in mind. And be practical. 
Failure happens because of two reasons: 

1. You have great thoughts but your actions do not match the thoughts. Then failure comes
2. You put all the effort but you don’t think because you are obsessed with a goal or with a specific result and so you don’t think broad about the consequences of it. You are not flexible and have a rigid attitude. Then also failure comes. 

Either you act too much without thinking or think too much without acting, that brings failure. Sometimes we sit and day-dream and we do not realise the ground reality. Match your vision with the ground reality. If you are aware of the ground reality and know how to match your vision with it, then failures will be reduced, otherwise failures will be there.


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