Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good Morning ...TRUST ♥♥♥♥♥♥

♥ My Dear Friends Very Good Morning ♥

Trust in yourself. Have faith in your choice of actions and the path you would be following. If you don’t trust yourself, how can you trust the Master? It is enough to have faith in yourself. A Master or a Guru does not remove the doubt, but He creates more doubt. The more you burn in the fire of doubt, the more strong you come out to be. Truth is never afraid of doubt, and truth can never hide - Sri Sri

Inspiring Good morning Email Messages

Stop doubting and start believing.
Stop fighting and start loving.
Stop pretending and start being.
Stop wondering and start explaining.
Stop depending and start doing.
Stop wanting and start giving.
Stop downing and start esteeming.
~ influenced

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