Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Very Good Morning .. Handling Emotions !!

Very Good Morning .. Handling Emotions !!

Good Morning Email MessageGood Morning Email Message

If you don’t relax and relieve stress, at least for a few minutes every day, whatever concepts you may have in your head, will be blown away by your emotions because our emotions are much stronger than our thoughts.
Many times we remain determined, but the surge of emotions, anger, frustration, desires, when they come, it just blows everything away. The intellect, or all our concepts, are like the gatekeeper of the house.
Emotions are like the owner of the house. When the owner of the house comes in, the gatekeeper has no-way to stop him.
You just have to let him in. We have to set right the emotions inside. That is where meditation, Sudarshan Kriya, pranayama, come very handy.

Good Morning Email Message

Thanks and Regards,
Avinash Sawant

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