Monday, January 1, 2018

Busyness is not business! Always here, always there !!

Busyness is not business! Always here, always there.

You are thirty years and you do not have $3000;
You are forty and still living as twenty without an ambitious purpose;
You are fifty and living from pay check to pay check, and you don't see anything wrong with it?
You have wasted most of your life on frivolous pursuits, it is now time to invest it in your future.
Get started! The handwriting is on the wall!

Time is passing you by, and you are being left behind. But that's not where you belong. So get up!
Time is not money. Time is the currency of life. So stop wasting it and start investing it.
It is true that time flies, but you are always its pilot.

Stop getting occupied with non essentials, and start investing your life's currency(time), in endeavors that will bring you returns in the future. You sleep eight hours a day, and a third of your life is already gone, and you still have the guts to waste more of your life on programmes and activities that doesn't add to your becoming better?

Too much time gone into the drain on social media, too much valuable hours sunk into empty buckets on watching television, too much of your life and your money drained by entertainment, and too less on the essentials, no wonder you are where you are. Get started! Step up to the plate!
"Wasted years, oh wasted years, oh how foolish. Turn around, turn around, love is calling you. It keeps calling you from a life of wasted years."
You cannot continue to do the same things and expect to get new results.
You have spent enough of your life's currency for far too long, it's time to invest it.
Enough is enough!
There's richness within you, endeavour to make your life count.

Avinash Sawant
to join me on WhatsApp + 9975415566

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