Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good Morning ...TRUST ♥♥♥♥♥♥

♥ My Dear Friends Very Good Morning ♥

Trust in yourself. Have faith in your choice of actions and the path you would be following. If you don’t trust yourself, how can you trust the Master? It is enough to have faith in yourself. A Master or a Guru does not remove the doubt, but He creates more doubt. The more you burn in the fire of doubt, the more strong you come out to be. Truth is never afraid of doubt, and truth can never hide - Sri Sri

Inspiring Good morning Email Messages

Stop doubting and start believing.
Stop fighting and start loving.
Stop pretending and start being.
Stop wondering and start explaining.
Stop depending and start doing.
Stop wanting and start giving.
Stop downing and start esteeming.
~ influenced

♥ My Dear Friend (ˆ◡ˆ) Very Good Morning ♥

With one foot placed on Faith 
and one foot placed on Love, 
I can touch the sky.

GoodMorningEmailMessage Faith and Love

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

♥ My Dear Friends Very Good Morning ♥

Best Relationship doesn’t need any promises, terms or conditions....
They just need two wonderful people.
"One who can trust and one who can understand"


Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Morning .. !! Push Yourself Forward !!

My Dear Friend (ˆ◡ˆ) Very Good Morning !!

GoodMorning Email Messages

Push Yourself Forward

Arrow goes forward only after pulling in to backward.
Bullet goes forward only after pressing the trigger backward.

Every human being will get happy.
Only after facing the difficulties in their life path…

So do not be afraid to face your difficulties.
They will push you forward.

GoodMorning Email Messages

Just know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Good Morning ... Winners stand alone!!

Q: It is said that winners stand alone. Is it really winning if you stand alone at the top?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
 First of all, take this concept of top and bottom out of your mind. Every place is unique. If someone has kept you on the top then it is the efforts of all those who are at the bottom. They are the basis.
In a building, the top floor is not as important as the ground floor. If the basement is strong then we can raise any number of floors. So, if you happen to be on the top, be totally humble. That humility needs to be there, only then you are on the top. The more you go up, the more humble you become. Humility is the sign of success. And when there is humility then there are no obstacles. Everything keeps on happening naturally. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

♥ My Dear Friend (ˆ◡ˆ) Very Good Morning ♥

♥ My Dear Friend (ˆ◡ˆ) Very Good Morning ♥

It’s true that we may not be perfect in many things, but this is also true that many things are not perfect without us...

Never hold our head high with pride or ego. Remember, even the winner of a gold medal gets his medal only when he/she puts his head down...

Plant our own garden and decorate our own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring us flowers...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good Morning ...........Experiencing Failure

To Best Friend (ˆ◡ˆ) Very Good Morning, 

Q: Guruji, I keep experiencing failure in whatever I do. How do I overcome this?

Guruji: Every failure is a step towards success, keep that in mind. And be practical. 
Failure happens because of two reasons: 

1. You have great thoughts but your actions do not match the thoughts. Then failure comes
2. You put all the effort but you don’t think because you are obsessed with a goal or with a specific result and so you don’t think broad about the consequences of it. You are not flexible and have a rigid attitude. Then also failure comes. 

Either you act too much without thinking or think too much without acting, that brings failure. Sometimes we sit and day-dream and we do not realise the ground reality. Match your vision with the ground reality. If you are aware of the ground reality and know how to match your vision with it, then failures will be reduced, otherwise failures will be there.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good Morning ...........Don't compare yourself to others

To Best Friend (ˆ◡ˆ) Very Good Morning,

Don't compare yourself to others..not your failures, not your faith, not your accomplishments, not your wealth or lack there of...You are uniquely & wonderfully made & God has a plan for you that is only for you. Some of God's greatest servants the world would see as failures, but he valued & adored them. Don't let others destroy you with their words or their visions of what you should be!!

st know that you will have enough time and energy to do what you were born to do in this life